Monday, March 18, 2013

So I've decided to get back into my blogging, one because the most random stuff happens to me in my adventurous life as a public housing auditor and I keep saying I'm going to write a book about it (blogging is the next best thing), and two because I miss doing it. So get excited.

I'm working up in the North Georgia mountains this week. It's my first time up here and it is beautiful from what I can tell. I wish it was fall though--I'd love to see the trees. It just started storming when I got checked in at my hotel and the girl at the front desk offered me a 20% off Hooters card, a beer, and cheese. What?? I walked up to my room and they are now blaring music and I have work to do. I didn't realize my home away from home was the happy hour hotspot. Needless to say, this could definitely be a long night in North GA. 

It's Monday night and I don't really know what to do without The Bachelor to watch. I REALLY don't know what to do with myself without CPA Review nagging at the back of my mind as I try to ignore it and convince myself that there are 1,000 things more important. This is the first trip I've been on since I passed. So glad that is over and I no longer have to feel guilty if I want to come home from an 8 hour day and sit around and watch TV all night, even though I rarely do that...haha. I guess blogging will now take its place. 

Anyways, I hope everyone has had a marvelous Monday. I hope the weather doesn't get too bad. I'll try to hold the fort down around here. :) 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Great Expectations

Hello, blog reading friends :)

I have been busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest, but for some reason tonight I was just compelled to write in this thing.  This has been a nightmare of a week at school, really a nightmare of a month.  Remember when I said the work wasn't that hard a few months ago? That's because apparently professors find it necessary to pile everything on at one time--the end of the semester.  I think I have finally found the light at the end of the tunnel this week.  It has definitely been an emotional trainwreck for me.  It's hard to see the light at the end of it all, though. I am already dreading next semester. Sometimes I wonder why I put myself through all this, but I have to remind myself that in 9 months, I can be done with all this unnecessary stress and worry forever.

So, I've been reading the book "One Day"  It's a movie that came out within the last few months but I'm really OCD about not seeing movies until I've read the book. Anyway, from what I've read, which isn't a whole lot since free time isn't exactly penciled into my planner these days, it's very good.  The first page was actually a Charles Dickens quote from the book "Great Expectations" and ever since I read that page, I can't help but to think about it almost daily. 

"That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But, it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how different its course would have been. Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day." 

I just think those are very inspiring words.  I've been finding myself thinking about my close friends and for every single one, I can remember the exact day we met and, for the most part, what was said.  It's amazing to me to think how much different life might have been had those moments never occurred.  I would be a completely different person.  

I'm just curious as to how many people actually remember paramount moments like that? I think everyone needs to remember that quote when they meet someone new.  You never know what impact that person will have on your life and you'll always want to remember how you met. It really is interesting, if you think about it. 

Who remembers the day we met?? :)  

Monday, September 5, 2011

Rain, Rain...

What else is a rainy day good for besides catching up on homework, doing the dishes, doing laundry, or cooking a good meal? If you're me, it's good for all of those things.  It also fosters too much time to think. 

I was reading a very interesting article for my auditing class today.  It basically talks about how college graduates these days are encouraged to find themselves and pursue a life as an individual.  The author goes on to say that while we constantly hear those things and are made to believe that individualism and independence are important, we are thrown out into a world that says otherwise. This is the last paragraph of the article:

"Today’s grads enter a cultural climate that preaches the self as the center of a life.
But, of course, as they age, they’ll discover that the tasks of a life are at the center.
Fulfillment is a byproduct of how people engage their tasks, and can’t be pursued directly.
Most of us are egotistical and most are self-concerned most of the time, but it’s nonetheless true that life comes to a point only in those moments when the self dissolves into some task. 
The purpose in life is not to find yourself. It’s to lose yourself."

I found this very compelling, and it really hit home for me. I'm at a really scary point in my life where I'm about to make a lot of life-changing decisions.  I've always been ambitious and set high goals for myself because I know I can do whatever I put my mind to. Recently, that trait has been tested by several people. I've been told that my lack of experience would hurt me in the long run and that my profession is boring, among other things. For those who don't know, I have a huge fear of failure--it's a bigger fear than most anything else in this world. But after reading that article it became really clear to me that it doesn't really matter where I end up or how much money I make or what kind of car I drive or how big my house is. At the end of my life, people won't appreciate those things--they'll appreciate what I did for them and how I helped them. I may not be the most experienced person and my job may not be the most exciting, but at the end of the day, it's your attitude toward the situation that determines the outcome. All I know is that when it comes to my career, I just want to make something better than how I found it and inspire people to do their best no matter the circumstances. I always try to give 100%--as the article says, I lose myself in everything I do--and I can only hope that my example becomes the center of my life. 

I think the rain has finally stopped for the first time today.  I think it's only fitting that my late-night rambling stops too.  Have to update you on the game later. Goodnight!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Freshman Again

The best way out is always through
Robert Frost 

Well, it seems like this has become a monthly update. That really wasn't my intention when I started this thing, but I stay so busy I just forget sometimes. 
Just to reiterate the obvious, graduation day was so great. It really was one of the best days of my you can tell from this pic :) 
As much fun as it was, it feels like years ago. I had a nice 2 week break after graduation, and I spent 1 of those weeks at the beach with my family. 
I had a major problem with my apartment situation and found out the day before graduation--I no longer had an apartment. I finally found a new place and got it worked out before we left for vacation, or so I thought. The old tenant was supposed to come clean the place while I was at the beach. I was running fashionably late for orientation last Monday, but I had to pick up my keys before I headed to campus. The lady in the office told me that the girl cleaned the apartment, but I walked in to what I expected the whole time--not one finger had been lifted in this place. So, on top of getting lost and trying to find my way to orientation, then coming home to unpack my car and wait for my dad to bring furniture that evening, I had to clean this disgusting place from ceiling to carpet. It was really awful and added unnecessary stress to my already stressful schedule, and had I not been desperate for a place to sleep that night, I wouldn't have been doing it. I just wish people in this world would take more responsibility for what they say they're gonna do and be held more accountable. It's really frustrating.

When all was said and done, I finally got things moved in and situated for the most part, thanks to my wonderful family. There isn't anything hanging on the walls yet but that isn't pertinent. The last week of classes has definitely been an adjustment. I'm still trying to get a sleeping/eating schedule down. The work isn't terribly hard so far, and from what I gather, it won't be anything like college. They are more project-oriented rather than test-oriented because they want us to be prepared for real life. I've started my CPA review process--let's all pause for a collective sigh...annnnd go....I'd really appreciate thoughts and prayers as this will be a year-long process at best. I'll take the first section in the Spring, then 3 others after that. At orientation, they slammed us with job search information and really put the pressure on us to start that now too. I had to completely re-do my resume and I'm also going to be filming a video resume sometime this month. It will be on my professional profile for recruiters to see--kind of a cool idea. The last 2 weeks have been extremely stressful with all this going on, but today I finally had some down time and I feel like things are finally getting settled. 

I know this is totally negative Nancy, but did I mention that I miss Auburn....A LOT? Tuscaloosa is such a different world. I keep getting lost and have made countless u-turns in the last 2 Thank God for GPS. I can't explain it, but Auburn just has another feel to it. I never understood the value of the "Auburn family" that everybody always talks about until I got here. It really is special and something that I miss a lot and will always hold dear to my heart. I'm really not sure what to expect Saturday at the first game. I'm excited because it's SEC football and I love the atmosphere, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not sad it's not Auburn.

I'll be sure to let you know how it goes. And I will try not to let it be another month from now ;) 

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.
Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Catching Up...

 "We knew we had to leave this town, but we never knew when and we never knew how we would end up here the way we are, of all the things I still remember, summer's never looked the same, years go by and time just seems to fly, but the memories remain" --Daughtry

This last month has been a whirlwind. School and getting everything ready to move is enough for a girl to have to deal with all at once, not to mention everything I've had to do to get ready for graduation and other personal things I've been dealing with. I think the first time I posted on this thing I said graduation was in 7 weeks and 2 days. Now it's in only 2 short weeks. It's so crazy how time flies....

I'm sitting here in a basically packed up apartment, and my mind can't escape the memories of the last 3 years in this town. If anyone had asked me 3 years ago if I thought I'd be where I am right now, the answer would be no. For one thing, I didn't think I'd be leaving after only 3 years. I didn't think I'd meet so many people--some great, some not so great-- and learn so much about life in this short amount of time. I didn't think I'd learn so much about myself either. That's what makes this process of leaving here the hardest I think. I started this journey on my own 2 feet, the strong, stubborn, independent Krystal you all know. But somewhere along the way, I feel like I've lost that. I never thought I would allow people to get the best of me as much as I have in these last 3 years. I never thought I'd learn so much about patience and trust, love and heartbreak, acceptance and compromise, hard work and disappointment. The experiences I've had and the people who have been a part of my life have all contributed to these things, and for that I'm grateful. I have the greatest support system a girl could ask for and I don't feel the need to be so strong and stubborn anymore. But at the same time, I've been finding myself praying that I haven't completely lost those things either. I've had some of the lowest days of my life in the last year or so, and there were days I thought I had lost them, but I'm happy to finally say that in the last month I've really been getting back to me. I don't feel as naive or cynical as I once was and I'm more cautious about who I trust. As much as I hate to leave this town and the experiences it has brought me and the wonderful people in it, I feel prepared to move forward and see what God has in store for my life.

With that said, I want to take a minute to do something that I don't do nearly enough. I want to thank my parents. I could never have accomplished all the things I've accomplished without their support the last 21 years. As proud as they are of me, I'm just as proud of them. I've come to know people who unfortunately can't say the same about their parents, and I think it's really sad. I'm so blessed to have the relationship that I do with my mom and dad. There have been countless times that they have done without, or with less, for the sake of my sister and me, and even though my dad will probably never read this, I felt like this was an appropriate time to say thank you. I'm grateful for the opportunity to get a college education, but I'm even more grateful to know that someday in the near future I will be able to do more for them than just say thank you to show my appreciation for all their sacrifices. They deserve it.

I'm moving out Monday, moving to Tuscaloosa next week, graduating in 2 weeks, and starting a whole new chapter in my life in 5 weeks. I may be moving away, but I'm definitely not moving on. Auburn will always have my heart <3

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles..." Isaiah 40:31

Monday, June 20, 2011

I had a wonderful, relaxing weekend at home with my family (aside from the drilling and hammering at all hours of the night and morning thanks to Bob the Builder Dad who has been watching one too many HGTV shows and is now cut off). But seriously, I was very thankful to spend Father's Day with my dad. He does so much for our family and I know I don't tell him enough how much it's appreciated.

The Dean cancelled on me Friday, so I still have no idea what's going on with that. Today is day 2 of apartment searching in Tuscaloosa. I was there looking the Friday before the tornadoes hit and haven't been back since. I'm so list-dependent and I'm afraid today will be just as unproductive as last time, so fingers crossed that I leave there having signed a lease. It's bad enough that I'm graduating college with nowhere to live (seriously, I'm gonna be homeless in Auburn for 2 weeks before graduation), but it's even worse not having anywhere to go after either!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

First Things First

So, I've finally given in to the phenomenon of blogging. This is taking me back to my livejournal days (I wonder if I could still find that somewhere, ha).  I've actually been wanting to start one for a while now; today I just got bored enough! So yay for first blog posts!

Just to get everyone up to speed who doesn't already know, graduation is in 51 days! In 7 weeks and 2 days, I'll be a college graduate. I wish I could put into words how happy that thought makes me. For several reasons actually.  Every single day of the last 3 years has been an eye-opening experience for me. I've learned so much about myself, my family, my friends, total strangers, life in general, and knowing that this chapter of my life is coming to a close in just a few short weeks has really had me thinking about a lot lately.  That's the main reason I wanted to start blogging. I apologize in advance for any random thoughts, debbie downer-esque posts, and blonde moments--it happens. :)

For now we'll keep it short and sweet. My first mini-mester classes end Wednesday, which means finals next weekend--really? Saturday finals?  Tomorrow I have a meeting with the Associate Dean for the College of Business. He emailed me yesterday and asked if I could meet with him to talk about graduation. I'm sort of nervous because I have no idea what he's gonna say. Hopefully it's all good news!