Thursday, June 16, 2011

First Things First

So, I've finally given in to the phenomenon of blogging. This is taking me back to my livejournal days (I wonder if I could still find that somewhere, ha).  I've actually been wanting to start one for a while now; today I just got bored enough! So yay for first blog posts!

Just to get everyone up to speed who doesn't already know, graduation is in 51 days! In 7 weeks and 2 days, I'll be a college graduate. I wish I could put into words how happy that thought makes me. For several reasons actually.  Every single day of the last 3 years has been an eye-opening experience for me. I've learned so much about myself, my family, my friends, total strangers, life in general, and knowing that this chapter of my life is coming to a close in just a few short weeks has really had me thinking about a lot lately.  That's the main reason I wanted to start blogging. I apologize in advance for any random thoughts, debbie downer-esque posts, and blonde moments--it happens. :)

For now we'll keep it short and sweet. My first mini-mester classes end Wednesday, which means finals next weekend--really? Saturday finals?  Tomorrow I have a meeting with the Associate Dean for the College of Business. He emailed me yesterday and asked if I could meet with him to talk about graduation. I'm sort of nervous because I have no idea what he's gonna say. Hopefully it's all good news!

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