Monday, June 20, 2011

I had a wonderful, relaxing weekend at home with my family (aside from the drilling and hammering at all hours of the night and morning thanks to Bob the Builder Dad who has been watching one too many HGTV shows and is now cut off). But seriously, I was very thankful to spend Father's Day with my dad. He does so much for our family and I know I don't tell him enough how much it's appreciated.

The Dean cancelled on me Friday, so I still have no idea what's going on with that. Today is day 2 of apartment searching in Tuscaloosa. I was there looking the Friday before the tornadoes hit and haven't been back since. I'm so list-dependent and I'm afraid today will be just as unproductive as last time, so fingers crossed that I leave there having signed a lease. It's bad enough that I'm graduating college with nowhere to live (seriously, I'm gonna be homeless in Auburn for 2 weeks before graduation), but it's even worse not having anywhere to go after either!!

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